前台,是粉墨登場的場所,費盡心思,化好了妝,穿好了衣服,準備好了台詞,端好了架式,調勻了呼吸,一步步踱出去,使出渾身解數; 該唱的,唱得五音不亂;該說的,說得字正腔圓;該演的,演得淋漓盡致;於是博得滿堂彩,名利雙收,躊躇滿志而回。
That is a monster without name and he is hoping to has a name. One day he went to the city looking for his name. First he met a little girl, he asked that girl, what is your name? That girl replied, Cindy. The monster asked her can give the name to him. Cindy said, that is my name, I can’t give it to you. Then Cindy walk away.
Then monster met another boy at city, he asked what is boy name. That boy is John and monster asked John can give the name to him? John was angry and said, if I gave you my name, I will without any name.
10th June, under selangor old man club organization. I was have my first trip visit kuala Selangor and fire flies. First impression to know this place. We went to bukit melawati at begin, we catch monkey, old canon, tower, islam moon watcher place with funny car. From there we can see the more clear picture with Selangor river. After this, we went to seafood restaurant taking our dinner. Too bad they are out of stock with crab, anyway I had tried different taste on seafood. Lastly we visit kampong kuantan, a place to public watching fire flies at river side. Although the night with full moon, the driver keep let us have close touch with fire flies. Well… How much you know about
在 你人生的舞台上,你所表演的角色如何呢?更重要的,谁是你人生的导演呢?你是否日复一日,年复一年,在人生的舞台上忙乱、打转,却不知究竟为了甚 么呢?你演罢学生的读书生涯,又演过男女的爱情故事,演完了谋生的剧烈竞争,也演尽了家庭的悲欢离合;当你演到儿女成群,而自己老态龙钟时,下一幕将是甚 么呢?
When a girl has menophania, which mean she entering another stage in her life. I am believe excluding men, most of the women don’t really know their menstrual cycle, or are they with eumenorrhea? 40% of women having menstrual disorder issue, but how many of them having medical treatment with care? As guy, please understand this for your love one. Menorrhagia may cause by mentality or physiological action. Mentality including pressure, environment change, despearate, worried and distressed. Physiological cause may split to 2 part, illness and medication. Illness need medical check and treatment. Medication may cause by side effect like taking Postinor2 or IUD installation and more...
If you not prepared for pregnant or plan for children, please ask him use comdom. Refer to my thread at forum.