Tuesday, July 18, 2006



Wednesday, July 12, 2006


A CAR was passing slowly along Jalan Gelanggang in Malacca. Its driver and a lady passenger were looking anxiovsly at both sides of the road for signs of a temple called Ong Teck Kong. Their friends had told them to come to this temple to pray to the 'Goddess' there for fulfiling their dreams.
Suddenly, the lady shouted, "Look! That's the temple." The man braked his car and, after parking it on one of the parking lots in front of the temple ,the couple alighted and entered the temple.
The temple's caretaker greeted them, and after she had enquired from them what they had come to pray for, she instructed the couple to place their flowers and fruits on the altar. She went on to instruct them on how to pray to the 'Goddess' called '/Chu Sing Niang Niang' or 'Fate-fulfiling Godess'. The couple followed exactly what was told to them.
The couple knelt in front of the 'Goddess' and they prayed earnestly. "Oh, Merciful Goddess, please help us to have a baby of our own. We have been married for six years, but we're unable to have a baby. Please help us..."
When they had finished their prayer, they got up and after making a small sonation to the temple, they bid goodbye to the caretaker. They were assured by the temple's caretaker that their dreams would come true. Expectant.
Four months later, the same couple returned with offerings for the 'Chu Sing Niang Niang'. The lady had become pregnant after her visit to the temple. Her dreams of becoming a mother had finally become a reality!
Everyday, many couples of these similar cases have come to the temple to pray to the 'Goddess' for children, and many of them would return months later to thank the 'Goddess' for making their dreams come true.

Recently visit to this temple and spoke with its caretaker, Madam Gan Siew Keng, 48, on the history and the many miracles attributed to the help of the 'Goddess' there. Madam Gan told NT:"The history of this temple dated over one hundred years ago. It was started by a person called Mr. Chan. As far as i can remember, my uncle was its caretaker before and after the Japanese Occupation. After his death, my mother took over and when my mother passed away about fifteen years ago, I became the present caretaker." "There are two 'Goddesses' in this temple who each speciallises in fulfiling the needs of the devotees. The two are known as 'Chu Sing Niang Niang' and 'Golden Flower Goddess' respectively. The former helps these who are unable to conceive babies; while the latter helps those to choose the sex of their babies when they are in the initial stage of their pregnancy.

"For those love-lom people, they can also come to pray to the 'Goddesses' for success in love and marriage. Miraculously, many of those who have come here to pray for love and marriage have returned jubilantly to thank the 'Goddesses' for fulfiling their dreams. The 'Goddesses' really help those who are sincere in their prayer.

"We have visitors coming from as far as from singapore, Johore Baru, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur and Penang. Many other temples throughout the country have even recommended our temple to their devotees on matters concerning pregnanc, determining the sx of the babies and for love and marriage.

"What the devotees need to brng when they come here to pray is flowers and fruits only. There were devotees who offered "red eggs to the 'Goddesses' on the full-moon days of their babies."


华人大多数都是信神的,他们膜拜的神灵,很多是源自深入民间的神话故事中的人物。他们拜神都心怀敬畏,但却从未形成一种有系统的宗教。他们的信仰完全是随 缘的,并不皈依何教何系,他们都会对冥冥中的神灵求赐家宅平安,福寿运通,因此家家户户拜神,世世代代拜神,至於所拜的神是何方神圣,拜神的真义何在?却 是很少人去深究。



“天德宫”内殿 供奉两尊女神的塑像,一位是注生娘娘,另一位是金花娘娘,前者是由专掌人间生男育女之职务,後者则专管男女结合之婚姻。这两位娘娘虽说比不上观音娘娘和天后娘娘的最孚众望,但是看来和蔼与悲,令人肃然起敬。


这位女神传入中国,约在第五世纪,经过若干世纪后,已经由哈拉谛女菩萨转为注生娘娘,也许对中国人来说,注生娘娘是比较易於接受。不知怎样,中国人却把注 生娘娘也是哈拉谛女菩萨与观音娘娘梵名阿伐罗吉底斯哇拉菩萨(BUDDHIST BODHISATTVA AVALOKITESWARA)相混合,以致后来造成观音娘娘承继注生娘娘的地位。不过在雕像与绘图中,两位女神的相貌,截然不同。








Saturday, July 08, 2006



Why the World Doesn’t Need Superman
Netfriend said, He always wear the underwear outside.
Woman said, He always said good night never said good bye.
Cleaner said, He always throw his clothes anywhere.
Robber said, Actually we not need wear mask, wear spectacles will no one recognize you.
Father said, If my son with super power, then I will be the nut.
Jade seller said, Too bad, he can't take any jade.
Man said, Superman didn't use comdom.






That is a monster without name and he is hoping to has a name. One day he went to the city looking for his name. First he met a little girl, he asked that girl, what is your name? That girl replied, Cindy. The monster asked her can give the name to him. Cindy said, that is my name, I can’t give it to you. Then Cindy walk away.

Then monster met another boy at city, he asked what is boy name. That boy is John and monster asked John can give the name to him? John was angry and said, if I gave you my name, I will without any name.

Monster keep continue walking around city and asking people same question. But still no one will give him a name. And monster still look his name at city….

Friday, July 07, 2006


六 月十日,在雪隆老人俱乐部的安排下。我第一次去kuala selangor看萤火虫,第一次知道原来马来西亚也有这么一个地方。首先我们去黄瓜山(皇家山)bukit melawati。看猴子,看灯塔,看大炮,看观月台,坐都都车再瞭望kuala selangor的河口(从山上)。过后去吃海鲜,虽然有点失望因为没有螃蟹吃但也不错。可以尝试不一样的口味。然后去kampung kuantan看萤火虫,在月圆之下萤火虫的微弱的灯显得微不足道。幸好船夫为了不让我们扫兴,已经尽力将船靠向红树让我们观赏数上的萤火虫。所以 说。。。马来西亚你走完了吗?

Bukit Melawati, Kuala Selangor.

10th June, under selangor old man club organization. I was have my first trip visit kuala Selangor and fire flies. First impression to know this place. We went to bukit melawati at begin, we catch monkey, old canon, tower, islam moon watcher place with funny car. From there we can see the more clear picture with Selangor river. After this, we went to seafood restaurant taking our dinner. Too bad they are out of stock with crab, anyway I had tried different taste on seafood. Lastly we visit kampong kuantan, a place to public watching fire flies at river side. Although the night with full moon, the driver keep let us have close touch with fire flies. Well… How much you know about Malaysia?

Thursday, July 06, 2006


经过长途跋涉到关丹森林找到那么一棵猪笼草。可以说是犯溅。。。花店一大堆却不要买,跑到老远地去采。但也可以说我感受整个过程,一个属于我的植物。这品种是Nepenthes gracilis type green,真希望可以看到它长大,长出猪圆玉润的猪笼。


My pet, Nepenthes.
I got it from far far away to kuantan jungle. So terrible that I can get it from any garden farm at melaka. But I decided to find the one for myself even I spent more petrol cost on it. That's fun and really good experience on plant searching. This specie is Nepenthes Gracillis type green. Wish it growing well.

Last week I was offered myself to my god mother to get lilian. Searching few rivers at melaka finally found it at Duyong river. Too bad i was fallen in to river when i try to pick it. Worst thing is I had to drive back to my home for bath X 2times get the smell off.