Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Below is the funny video clip. ( I am fall in sick, nothing to think and write this time)

Friday, September 08, 2006

Wreck Diving

At 2nd September 2006, I had continue my scuba diving course to advance level which allow me to 30 meter deep sea. The course included, wreck diving, deep diving, underwater navigation, multi level diving and night diving.

The most attracted me is the wreck diving. Maybe we been saw the boat on water and plane on air. This time I can see the boat and plane underwater. And of cause for my treasure hunt.

Unexpected night diving not fun on this time. I think is because i was afraid lost heat and feel cold underwater. Feel challanging while off the tourch, beside darkness still darkness. Dont know where is sky where is earth. This is underwater life.

Partial Lunar Eclipse: 2006 Sep 08

Year 2006 September 08 Lunar calander add July 15. On top to west. Partial lunar eclipse. Around 40 minutes. Photo taken at Malaysia.